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美国总统川普推特2019年5月8,摘译 :
2019年5月8日 下午2:01
Big announcement today: Drug companies have to come clean about their prices in TV ads. Historic transparency for American patients is here. If drug companies are ashamed of those prices—lower them!
2019年5月8日 下午1:58
“The reality is, with the Tariffs, the economy has grown more rapidly in the United States and much more slowly in China.” Peter Morici, Former Chief Economist, USITC
“现实情况是,随着增加关税,美国经济增长速度更快,中国经济增则长缓慢得多。” 美国国际贸易委员会前首席经济学家彼得•莫里奇
2019年5月8日 下午12:30
Getting ready to leave for one of my favorite places, the Florida Panhandle, where we’ve given, and are giving, billions of $$$ for the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael. Even though the Dems are totally in our way (they don’t want money to go there) we’re getting it done!
2019年5月8日 上午10:42
Our Nation grieves at the unspeakable violence that took a precious young life and badly injured others in Colorado. God be with the families and thank you to the First Responders for bravely intervening. We are in close contact with Law Enforcement.
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