【看中国2018年4月28日讯】2018年4月27日,德国总理默克尔抵达美国访问。川普与默克尔一同会见记者。在回答记者提问时,川普总统阐述了目前美国、朝鲜以及北韩之间的关系。川普特意告知默克尔谁是鼎力相助者,并表达谢意。记者问此次金正恩是否在玩弄美国,听听川普怎么说... 川普乐观但不失谨慎。因此,川普也提到,如果会谈不理想,他会怎么做。
President Trump Meets with Chancellor Merkel of Germany
川普总统会见德国总理默克尔 (以下内容是内容摘要)
We have a lot of great things happening, including potentially with North Korea. Angela, as you see. A lot of very positive things happened over the last 24 hours. We’re in a total touch with both North Korea and South Korea. We’ll be setting up a meeting very shortly. We have, we have it broken down to probably 2 sites now, 2 or 3 sites locations. And, hopefully we’re going to have great success. We’ll see what happens, but hopefully we’re going to have great success.
So, President Moon and I are speaking and we’re speaking very much with South Korea, and with North Korea. The relationships are building and building strongly. And this will be a great thing for the world, this will be a great thing for Germany, but this will be a great thing for the world.
Angela and I have discussed this over the period of, the last 15 months, quite a bit of North Korea, the North Korean problem. And i think you’re seeing a lot of very positive things are happening.
Oh I don’t think he’s playing, no, I don’t think he’s playing. And then you know it’s never gone like this. It’s never gone this far. I don’t think it’s ever had this enthusiasm for, somebody, for them wanting to make a deal.
我不认为(金)正在玩(花招),不,我不认为(金)正在玩(花招)。你知道,(朝鲜问题)从来没有到这样一步, 从来没有能够走到这么远。我觉得(朝鲜)从没有过这种热忱为了... 有人使得他们(朝鲜)想要达成协议。
And yeah I agree, the United States has been played beautifully like a fiddle. Because you had a different kind of a leader, we’re not gonna be played. OK? we’re gonna hopefuly make a deal. If we don’t, that’s fine. The United States in the past was played like a fiddle. Money going in, and nobody knew what was happening, and the day after, an arrangement was made. If you call it a deal, I doubt it. But an arrangement was made, they start with the nuclear weapons again.
是的,我同意(这个说法),美国曾很惨的被(朝鲜)玩弄于股掌之间。因为你们有一个不同的领导人了,我们不会再被玩弄了。好吧?我们很大机会可达成一个协议。但如果没有,也没关系。 美国过去曾被(朝鲜)玩弄于股掌之间, 美国的钱进入(朝鲜),没人知道什么事情会发生。第二天,“安排”达成了。如果你把那个“安排”称为协议, 我怀疑。当那个“安排”达成后,他们又开始做核武。
That’s not happening to us. We will, I think, uh, come up with a solution. And if we don’t, we’ll leave the room with great respect. We’ll leave the room or we just keep it going.
I also will tell you that, President Xi of China has been very helpful at the border. And I would acknowledge that. I think it’s very important to acknowledge. But President Xi has been extremely helpful to me. We have a very good relationship. He’s been extremely helpful to me at the border. So we’ll see where it all goes. But no, this isn’t like past administrations. We don’t play games.
我也将要告诉你们, 中国习主席在(中朝)边界帮了很多忙。我要答谢他。我想答谢他(习近平)是很重要的。 习近平为我提供了极大的帮助。我们有很好的关系。他为我提供了极大的帮助,在边境上。 所以我们静观其变吧。但是,现在(管理者)与以往的不一样,我们不玩游戏。
Thank you very much everybody, thank you.
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