
发表:2006-11-12 11:07
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China’s Global Strategy and Inner Crisis
Time: November 10, 2006 (Friday), 1pm
Location: Wardorf Astoria Hotel, Hilton Ball Room

Warm greetings, I’m Jia Jia

First of all I would like to thank all the government officials and people for their support and help. I especially would like to say thank you to the Vice president of the European Parliament the Honorable Edward Mcmillan-Scott who has been very supportive and kind, Chinese will never forget your name. Thank you again.

While I was in China, I never came into contact with Falun Gong practitioners, and I don’t know much about Falun Gong. But during my escape from China, I received a lot of help and care from Falun Gong practitioners, and here I would like to express my heart-felt gratitude to all Falun Gong practitioners. Thank you all.

To realize democracy in China has been the wish of Chinese people over a hundred years, only when democracy is realized will there be an end to the cruel ruling of China under communism; an end to the vicious history of Chinese killing Chinese; only democracy can save China. Although the CCP say that they have over 70 million party members, the communist party practice “single party ruling”, “only one person’s words counts”, the lower level has to obey the higher level, the whole party has to obey the Party Central Committee, all matters in China has to be decided by the Party Central Committee, the vast majority of party members and officials has no rights nor freedom.

Therefore, only the Party Central Committee is the real communist party, the Party Central Committee is the culprit and the root of all the chaos and disasters in China. Party members and officials are forced to join the CCP out of the necessity of living and working, they too are the victims under the CCP’s tyranny, and they too long for democracy and freedom be realized in China.

The CCP’s crimes is countless, no one wants to be the scapegoat of the CCP, therefore, withdraw from the CCP and to escape from China is the first choice of a lot of CCP officials. In China, there is great demand of software which can bypass CCP’s internet control, these software is hard to get, and the price hike from over ten RMB few years ago to about 2,000 RMB lately. The users of this software are mostly high rank officials, scholars, entrepreneurs, technicians, and students. One of the major reasons for buying the software is to withdraw from the CCP through the net using allies.

Therefore, the 14million withdrawals from CCP as announced by the Global Service Centre for Quitting the CCP is not a lot, it’s a pity sum, if people don’t believe it, I can be the witness. If party members in China is allowed to freely choose to withdraw from the CCP in an open, safe way without retaliation, I estimate that it only take a few days for the party members to withdraw leaving behind just the Party Central Committee. China has been under the CCP’s totalitarian regime for 57 years, 57 years, the long 57 years, during these 57 years, Mao Zidong thinking governed China, even nowadays Mao’s thinking leads the way, the Chinese people, the party members, and CCP officials were impatient with, and hate Mao thinking and the CCP.

In China, the children of the high rank officials are basically sent away overseas through different channels; CCP officials sending their children and assets overseas has become the popular trend in China. They call it the “Escape Project”. The first thing people asked when they see each other is: Have the children been settled? The answer will be: already gone to study in England, and the reply would be: Very Good. This kind of conversational exchange has already become the replacement for greetings. Nowadays in China, as long as there is a way, people will try to escape, saying CCP is not going to last long, escape while you can, otherwise CCP close the door one day and nobody can escape. In fact, people can’t escape now; the CCP has already confiscated the passport of all the party officials, and officials can’t leave the country without the permission of the party.

According to my observation, there are 6 kinds of people want to escape from China, these people are: the power, the rich, the skilled, the knowledgeable, the suppressed, and the sinful ones. Leaving behind are those common class party members and officials who has no way to escape. These people live like there is no tomorrow, they are corrupted and they are very irresponsible, they loathe and are very dissatisfied with the CCP, they always complain that they have been cheated by the CCP for the whole 57 years. They openly express their dissatisfaction of the CCP, they said, no one is good within the CCP, randomly picked a hundred party members and have them mass executed without trail, there are only those who deserved it and there’s no injustice.

Every few days there will be large scale of demonstrations in front of the government building everywhere in China, affecting the daily work routine of government offices. In the cities, demonstrators blocked the main traffic, protesting against the CCP, pushing the CCP to resolve problems; this has been a common phenomenon. Police who were maintaining orders have never been so courteous and hospitable to the demonstrators. Even the high rank officials would not dare to confront the demonstrating group the tough way. In China, the majority of the party members, and the public has formed a common consensus: that the final day of the CCP will come soon. Multi party system must be practiced in China, and democracy must be realized in China.

Thank you all!


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