恭喜那些抢到这个DEAL的读者!笔者就“抢”到一台Dell Inspiron 600m,加上税,806美金。如果您喜欢,我们会继续报道这样的DEAL。可以关注www.dealone.com
在北美熟悉网络DEAL或者COUPON的读者一定知道,这几天最令人期待的是DELL HOME今天的笔记本电脑优惠券($750 off $1499 COUPON),$1500的DELL Inspiron 新电脑只要$750就可以买到,包括最流行的Inspiron 600m,Inspiron 6000,Inspiron 700m,Inspiron 9300,Inspiron 8600等型号。在网上购买,提货的时候输入优惠券码(coupon code)就可以。
这个coupon code从美东时间今早(4/13)9:00AM开始到明天6:59am结束,只提供1万用户这样的优惠。估计不到下午,Coupon就会抢用一空。去年 DELL HOME曾经推出一次这个COUPON,导致网站服务器爆满,几种最流行的Inspiron笔记本型号,几小时之内就没有卖了。今年的情况估计更为抢手。
http://dealone.com/ 或者 http://dealmax.net/
Starting Wednesday 4/13 at 8:00am CST, 6:00am PST, Dell Home will be launching their Most Hot $750 off $1499 Inspiron Notebooks coupon code J096TQ8TFFG2VX [Exp 4/14, 5:59am CST] First 10,000 coupon uses only! It is expected to be used up before mid-day! You can choose other upgrade option to fit your need. Stackable 2% off using Dell Preferred Account, code XJ8?S$BC8738C3 [Exp 4/13]
# Inspiron 9300 $1599 - $750 off coupon = $849, free shipping
* ~7.85 lbs, Pentium-M 1.6GHz, 17" UltraSharp WXGA, 256MB, 40GB
* 8x DVD, Radeon X300 64MB, Wireless 802.11b/g, 1-Yr warranty
# Inspiron 8600 $1472 + $27 upgrades - $750 = $749, free shipping
* ~6.9 lbs, Pentium-M 1.4GHz, 15.4" WXGA, 512MB, 60GB
* 8x DVDROM, RADEON 9600 128MB, Wireless 802.11b/g, 1-Yr warranty
* Upgrade options (add $27 or more)
# Inspiron 700m $1299 + $200 upgrades - $750 = $749, free shipping
* ~4.1 lbs, Pentium-M 1.6GHz, 12.1" WXGA, 256MB, 40GB
* 8x DVD, Wireless 802.11b/g, 1-Yr warranty
* You can Upgrade to (add $200 or more): 512MB DDR SDRAM 2 Dimms, 60GB Hard Drive, 24X CD Burner/DVD Combo Drive etc.
# Inspiron 600m $1268 + $231 upgrades - $750 = $749, free shipping
* ~4.1 lbs, Pentium-M 1.6GHz, 14.1" XGA, 256MB, 30GB
* 8x DVDROM, Wireless 802.11b/g, 1-Yr warranty
* You can Upgrade to (add $231 or more): 512MB DDR SDRAM 2 Dimms, 60GB Hard Drive, 24X CD Burner/DVD Combo etc.
# Inspiron 6000 $1239 + $260 upgrades - $750 = $749, free shipping
* ~6.65 lbs, Pentium-M 1.5GHz, 15.4" WXGA, 256MB, 30GB
* 8x DVDROM, Wireless 802.11b/g, 1-Yr warranty
* You can Upgrade to (add $260 or more): 512MB Shared DDR2 SDRAM 2 Dimms, 60GB Hard Drive, 24X CD Burner/DVD Combo Drive etc.