有機和非轉基因原材料做食材的紐約餐廳The Organic Grill。
我們在路上遇到的第一家餐廳是:The Organic Grill,The Organic Grill位於東村,自2001年起成為紐約市素食主義者之一。
繼續下一道菜「三胞胎」,這是三個微縮尺寸漢堡;他們有機燒烤店有名的原創Organic Grill漢堡,綠色機器漢堡(以烤蘑菇肉餅,香蒜醬,素食乳酪,焦糖洋蔥,鱷梨醬,生菜,番茄和豆芽製作的漢堡)和香辣黑豆漢堡。
再見了,The Organic Grill,接著我們繼續尋找更多運用有機和非轉基因原材料做食材的餐廳……
Due to readers’ demand, we begin on our search for restaurants striving towards organic and non-GMO.
This is the beginning of a series of such restaurants already existing in New York:
The first restaurant we came upon in our trail is: The Organic Grill
Located in East Village, The Organic Grill is one of NYC’s vegetarian favorite since 2001 in East Village.
Here, you can enjoy organic, non-GMO, vegetarian yet tasty food, desserts and drinks.
The menu is a creative blend of international favorites ranging from tofu omelette,breakfast burrito, waffle, cauliflower pops, Kung Pao bowl, burgers (that are nut free,soy free and gluten free), green melt sandwich, paradise casserole,smoothies, juices,organic coffees etc.
We tried the cauliflower pops with Kung Pao sauce, which is a tasty and fiery sauce over fried cauliflower, whets your appetite to go on to the next dish of “The Triplets” which are three miniature size of their famous Original Organic Grill burger, Green Machine (roasted mushroom patty, pesto, vegan cheese,caramelized onions, guacamole, lettuce, tomato & sprouts) and Spicy Black Bean burger.
The third dish was Kung Pao Bowl which is yellow turmeric rice, broccoli, mushrooms,scallions,carrots,topped with crispy Kung Pao cauliflower & sesame seeds.
There are other dishes which we would love to try but we were full and have to come back again for more healthy yet tasty vegetarian but adventurous treats.
The restaurant is cosy and homey and a great place to chat and catch up with old friends or make new ones.
Goodbye for now, The Organic Grill, as we go on further search for more organic, non-GMO eateries……
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